• Presentation

Bolema part of expert panel NGTC event

ISEG Executive Director Theodore Bolema participated on an expert panel discussing “Technology, Regulation, and Economic Development” along with Graham Default (The App Association), Tabrez Ebrahim (Lewis & Clark Law School), and Tammi Etheridge (Elon University). Description:

Nebraska Governance & Technology Center’s State Level Issues in Technology, Regulation, and Economic Development event invites internationally-renowned scholars from universities across the country to present research and engage in discussion with elected officials, including Nebraska Attorney General Doug Peterson.

In recent years, there has been an increase in concern at the state-level about the power of BigTech. This includes state’s passing legislation to regulate BigTech companies and exploring and antitrust lawsuits against them. This conference focused on how technology and its regulation affects economic development. Sessions covered a variety of topics with special attention to the best solutions and policies which will contribute to opportunity, innovation, and prosperity for all.

“Technology can both harm and benefit consumers, and regulation of technology can both protect consumers but also limit the benefits that technology can bring to them. This session will explore the efficacy of efforts to regulate technology and the circumstances under which regulation of technology is ultimately likely to benefit or harm consumers.”

Nebraska Governance and Technology Center Agenda