• Recognition

ISEG’s McDonald recognized with award

Chris McDonald, a dedicated and exceptional member of the Institute for the Study of Economic Growth, was recently recognized with the Barton School of Business’s prestigious Outstanding Service Award. This reflects how her unwavering commitment has impacted not only ISEG, but numerous other units in the College of Business at Wichita State University; the award is a collective decision made by the entire faculty and staff of the college.

The Barton School’s Outstanding Service Award reflects the remarkable commitment Chris has shown. Each year, the Dean presents this accolade to a staff member who has demonstrated exceptional dedication, going above and beyond in fulfilling the mission of the college. In McDonald’s case, it is abundantly clear that she is a deserving recipient.

Throughout her tenure at ISEG, McDonald has consistently displayed an unwavering commitment to excellence. She has played a vital role in advancing ISEG’s goals and objectives, contributing significantly to its success. Her ability to go above and beyond in supporting the faculty, staff, and students is admirable and inspiring.

This is not the first time McDonald has been recognized for her outstanding service. In fact, she was previously awarded the honor in 2020, highlighting the consistency and excellence she brings to her work. She has made a lasting impact on the individuals she interacts with on a daily basis.

Moreover, Chris’s dedication extends beyond her immediate responsibilities. She actively engages with various units within the college of business, utilizing her expertise and experience to benefit a wider range of stakeholders. Her willingness to collaborate and assist others has made her an invaluable asset to the college as a whole. This recognition is a well-deserved acknowledgment of her outstanding service and serves as an inspiration to her colleagues and the entire Barton School.